We have been sweating it out and not getting much sleep since Friday..Our LL "Fred" came up on Friday and saw the mess and said he would call a neighbor..This is the tire marks from where the back tires were....Right in front of my flower bed next to the house. He said the neighbor couldn't come until Sunday but we had until today to get truck and tow dollie back

This is the hole where the left front tire was buried and you can see how close the front edge of the truck was to the 1 car garage that is at the top end of the driveway

It was like seeing an Angel pulling in our driveway on a big Tractor this morning about 10 A M..Fred was already here and since he just lives kitty corner he always rides up on his little cart (He has 2 of them).

They hooked a chain up from Tractor to front end of U Haul and Billy was in it ready to drive it out

He just pulled it real slow and in less than 5 min that big Ugly truck was out of the hole

Fred was guiding Billy to back it out (I guess he wanted to make sure he got it out of there and in the driveway

He made it and neighbor waited to make sure it was all clear..This neighbor lives up the road about 5 miles and would not take a dime..Fred said..Thats what neighbors are for..He considers us neighbors more than renters and him a LL.
When Billy was in AL he picked up some sausage that you can only get there and they were 3 1 # packs for $10.00 and he brought back 3 for Fred (by His request) and when I asked Fred how much we owed he said not a dime and said he was going to give neighbor a pk of his sausage...Billy gave him one of ours and when we gave Fred his 3 pks and he tried to pay us we refused to take it....He kept trying to hand us some money and I told him I couldn't take that because it looked like it was counterfeit..He just gave a big smile like always (This is the ONLY person that I have ever met in my life that ALWAYS has a big Smile.) Everytime I ask him if I can do something in the yard or house He Just says "Nancy" you can do whatever you want..what a special man huh..and what a blessing to have such a great neighbor that we never even met come to our rescue..and..we don't even know his name.
We took the truck back and stopped at Menards and WM and bought some paint for the kitchen and T V room and some fabric to finish the curtains and rods to fix the closet..and I am now about to start decorating and doing "Whatever I want" :)

Sounds like you found a great place to live:) So glad that big u-haul is out of there!
I thought someone would come with a tractor..God bless him greatly..what a wonderful neighbor and now friend....better get his name, Nancy, LOL..can't wait to see how you decorate the inside, its such a cute little house..
Oh how nice of both the men to come help in your time of need. They are definitely old school, where neighbors helped neighbors for nothing more than the mere satisfaction of doing it. Now go back the man some cookies and introduce yourself properly.
Have a great Sunday.
Doesn't it warm your heart to know that decency and kindness do still exist, that neighbors really do help each other, that kindness is given and not bought?
I love it.
You really lucked out with this wonderful man.
I'm with dee. Time to make a batch of cookies or dinner rolls or something and find out more about this guy!
I think God gives tractors to special people --- almost like they are angels in disguise or something. When I lived in Virginia, "Benny from down the road"(that's what we called him) ALWAYS arrived before dawn to plow out our driveway with his tractor. Never missed once. Came when a cow was stuck in mud. Came when a tree fell. Kinda like your "guy down the street." Mix "nice guy" with love for riding their tractors, and you have the best of angels. Nancy, it really sounds like things have worked out so well for you. I'm just so glad. Can't wait to see all the finished projects!!!!
I am glad you got the u-haul out and its gone away, hopefully forever. This sounds like a place to stay forever. Now you will enjoy fixing up the place knowing you have all your belongings.
Ya Know that is one of the reasons I love living in the country..everyone helps each other in time like this.. sure don't get much of that in the city..
Your lucky to have sucah a great landlord...aka friend..
the fun you'll have now with all your things ..Decorating will be your new fav pastime..
Have a great week!
Don't you just love people like that.. From the "old school" like my grandmother used to say..... We need more people going to the "old school"
Cute little house! Have fun with the decorating....
So glad to hear everything worked out for the best.
Now you can enjoy your new home.
Can't wait to see more pictures of your decorating.
Prim Blessings
So glad you are fee of that uhaul now!
Smiles, Cyndi
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