Some of you have emailed or sent a message asking about if Billy got caught in the bad storms in AL..He is O K and stayed an extra night at his Aunts and missed it (I Insisted)
He is now almost 1/2 way home and I will just be sitting here and worrying until I see the truck pull in my driveway.
No more trips by himself and no more being away from the dogs. They are going crazy looking for him and Annie keeps trying to go out in the woods to look for him...she won't take all her meds for me and she has had 2 seizures.
Please keep him in your prayers until he is safely home. I will post it when he gets home.
I think he said there was 143 killed in Birmingham..but of course all that is on the news is Prince Williams Wedding which I could care less about it..Why aren't they talking more about the U S and what is going on here.
Flocks of Birds...
42 minutes ago
I know you'll be glad when he come home..its always nerve wracking, I know...and is why many times I go with Alan on his locksmithing trips..easier than sitting home wondering why he's taking so long...LOL..but driving cross country pulling a trailer is even worse, of course...
Nancy, about an hour ago, my sister asked me about you and your hubby and were you all ok. I was hoping and praying he was out of there and glad to hear now that he's ok. I'm afraid I have to agree with you --- there is so much pain, suffering and loss here. I just don't get all the hoopla about a wedding that's all for show and cost more than it would take to rebuild a whole town!!!! What a waste! Buster sends hugs!!!! All will be well as soon as hubby gets back!!!
I told him to pull over about 6 P M and stay in a Motel and then he could watch American Idol...That is our fav show
SO glad he is safe and was not a part of those storms!!! I think all the fru-fru over that wedding is insane, why don't they talk about people who are TRUE heros?!
Hi Nancy... I was thinking about him and his trip last night ... I am so glad to hear that he is ok and almost home...
Stay cool girlfriend that ole Truck will be pullin in before you know it...and then the fun begins...
I hope your hubby arrives home safe and sound soon, take care and try not to worry.
Oh, bless your heart. I hope he returns quickly and safely. My prayers are with you. blessings,Kathleen
By now I am sure that he is safe and sound...... Mothers are mothers even when children are no long little....... I tell my 41 year old son when he goes off that he is to call me when he get there..... then I tell him that I am Mom and I am allowed!!!!!!
Have a blessed weekend
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