Well..The craft show that I worked so hard on was a BIG BUST..I barely made enough to cover my expenses and wasn't worth leaving my pups in their crate from 9:15 A M until 4:45 P M.
I was the only one there out of 11 tables that had hand made items. I am not happy and am not going to throw in the towel yet

This is a family that had honey from their own farm and she also had cold process soap and some corn meal from their farm. They don't live to far from here so when we pick Nellie up on the 23rd we will try and stpo by their farm..and their is also the wine vinyard not far from here to take her also

There was a very nice lady that was a Tupperware dealer and she was very nice and made a list of the craft sales that were really good ones and gave me web sites to check out so that was a good thing even if we didn't sell much.

As you can see by my tables in the first picture I DO have a TON of stuff so....I will be listing it in my blog....on Facebook...on ebay and even on Craigs List so come back and check often..I will have lots of bargains and will not call it cyber Monday but Cyber month.
I spent last week making 13 pet beds and 4 batches of special dog treats..very healthy and tasty (trust me ..I did give them all the test) and the best part is...there is NO preserviatives in these treats.
I would very much like to sell all that I have on hand right now so I can start with all new items...if anyone has any ideas of things they would like to see just let me know and I will do what I can :)
So sorry you show was a bust. But keep putting the word out and your stuff will sell. Have a wonderful Christmas in your new home.
sorry about the sale but you did network which is always good and got some tips on better sales......I just made my first sale on my new selling blog so hang in there..I am...
So sorry. Sales are slow all over, even my eBay sales have really, really declined. But keep trying! Hope your Christmas is very nice.
Hi Nancy- sorry your sale wasn't so good- it is bad for me too- but keep trying!
Sorry about the sales; hope things pick up for you.
I am sorry to hear that the show didn't do well..truly..cause I know what it takes to make all that stuff..put it all on your blog for us to see and we can help advertise on our blogs when you do.;)
You had a nice display of your crafts. Just think of this craft show as a "practice run". Plan for Spring and go head first into the shows. You will gain a following and have great shows.
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