Monday, April 12, 2010


I can't believe it has been almost a year since we retired here, We moved in our house on June 8th with 2 American Eskimos (Bianca and Annie) and 3 cats...then on June 12th after we had a fence up we adopted 2 cute little Lab mixed pups.
It doesn't seem like that long ago I was looking out my window at SNOW..yes in South Alabama there was SNOW Now I went out in our garden and saw corn coming up
Then I was sitting on the swing on the carport and just happened to have my camera and got this shot of a beautiful Cardinal (and from all the racket out there I know there are many other birds that come to visit. )

This is Maggie and Callie when they were a few months old after I decided they could be inside dogs and found out how 2 sister pups could be closer than any Human sisters.

And how a sweet little American Eskimo Dog would look like after they roll in red dirt (and red dirt dyes dog hair just like your clothes) Took a few days and a bath for it to wear off

And found out what a bad winter / fall it was when a cotton picker could get stuck in the mud this bad from all the rain we had

And how happy we were when the garden finally got plowed and ready to plant

And how cute my scarecrow would look with Billy standing next to her (He really doesn't have a belly so don't know why it looks like he does :)
I named her Mary!

And what Bianca would look like when she took a ride with Daddy to a friends and he wanted to show him his new horse and calf...and guess what she rolled in...YES it was COW DUNK..Good fertalizer but smells bad on a dog.

She had to have a bath OUT SIDE before coming back in the house

And now that summer is right around the corner we are going to be visiting relatives that live in a bigger town and checking out some flea markets and resale shops and just hanging out and visiting.
It has been a long winter and pretty soon it will be so hot outside I will be wishing for fall to come soon.
It will be a long summer with the garden and then putting food up for the winter but I am still happy to be able to go outside in shorts and a T Shirt


Carmen S. said...

I love that baby pic of Maggie & Callie, how precious! Your corn looks wonderful coming up and what a nice plot of land you have:)

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Nancy...what a lovely post.
I love your way with held me captive!!!
Your furry friends are beautiful...and isn't it grand how each of them have their own special.

Hugs and thanks for sharing this wonderful year!


Anonymous said...

love the posting....just like dogs, huh? I remember washing our bulldog, he went right outside and rolled in manure. and I sure envy all the land you have...

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Hey Nancy, Thank you for stopping by my blog..I look forward to reading your blog too..and seeing how your "Garden grows"..and hearing about your spaghetti sauce...We love spaghetti..;) love your pups..want to see more of the kittys.;)(I am a cat mama of 7)..have a great weekend.:)