Could tell they were healing well when they decided to argue over a dog toy :)

maggie does not like being tied up...that will end soon :)

Maggie snuck in my bed and even took one of my clean socks out of Laundry Basket..she looked so peaceful that I just waited for her to wake up to go in her crate :)

Playing to rough with neighbors dog

They can't stand to be seperated even if it means staying close to each other

Maggie and Callie are healing good from the surgery and will get their stitches out in a few days...I am going to feel a little guilty taking Maggie back in a few weeks for the painful shots she will be going through.
She will have to stay at vets office for 2 nights and I am going to miss her a lot. Calli will be very Lonesome and will miss her sleeping partner so I may have to let her sleep with me.
I am still having my sale in my selling blog to help pay Vet Bills and have also added a sale for all pincushions (I think I have 45 listed) and will have 20% off on all of them.
I will be having a yard sale in a few weeks (if it quits raining long enough) and then am planning to sell in a craft show on April First right there in Andalusia.
We are going to see if we can find a reasonable priced charger for electric fence to put on the side of the house.
There will be NO gate and pups can just go out and use the bathroom and play ....right now we have to put them out on a chain and neighbors dog keeps coming over here and wants to play..He jumps all over them and they can't even get away and they like to play but I have to bring them in when he comes over.
The Vet said not to let Maggie get to excited or the worms that are in her Heart might go in her veins and that could kill her.
We have some fencing and the posts and elec wire and just need a charger.
Check out my selling blog when you have time and see the new things I have added plus there are a lot of nice Pin Cushions that would make nice gifts and they don't cost much to ship.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I would like to hear from you if you can take a few minutes to leave a comment :)
Nancy, I'm glad to see they are feeling well and that pic on the bed with the sock is priceless:)I will continue to keep you all in my prayers for the duration of the shots and thanks for giving us an update:) OH...LOVE my bag too :) Hugs, carmen
Just love all the pics of Maggie and Calli. So glad they are doing better.
Just wanted to let you know how much I loved everything I got! That fall colored table runner is one of my favorites. I just love the raggy stuff. Can't wait to use my market bag and already have my candle mat in place. Just loved everything! Hope you sell lots more! ~~Annie
Thanks Annie..The runner and market bag that you bought were my favorites and I think I will make some more of them...I really love the raggy look and love using homespun fabric...Things always turn out nice when I use homespun :)
Happy that you like your bag Carmen...I have more of that fabric so I might make more like that...Maggie did look sweet sleeping with my sock and she is such a little stinker when she is awake. I had a lot of little straw hats to put on my bunnies when I make them...they are gone...Maggie chewed them up but I love her anyhow :)
hi,i was reading some blogs and came across yours...thought of gaining new friends through blogs.its great that your dogs are doing well now..i too have dogs but they're the small ones.
ill have to browse your site coz i think you have lotsa of stuff on sale.
Heartworms are the bane of the South. I remember well having to guard so carefully against them when we lived there. But there are NONE out here, due to being the desert.
I hope Maggie and Callie continue to feel better and that Maggie comes thru the shots without being too stressed. You sure have a precious 2 friends there.
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