Sorry again for taking so long to post but nothing good to report yet. Have been driving 500 miles round trip to go back to Doctor in WI to get my pain meds once a month...The medical help here is worse than poor and I don't know how people in this area stay well as they do..Even the LL that has lived here all of his life has problems when he trys to get his meds refilled because Dr ignores a simple phone call to pharmacy now he had hernia surgery right before Christmas and had to go have it done over because it pulled loose...All about the money here..Doctors won't even listen to you and you are in and out of their room in 10 minutes.
I tried a new Dr and was suppose to be a full exam and all he did was look in my ears and at my top lip from when I fell.Then he sat there and said you DON'T have fibro and didn't have a stroke...Never ran any tests to see what made me fall and I have been to MANY doctors since 1993 and I DO have fibro and also 3 degenerative discs in my neck and shoulder.
Have been trying to find a place to live closer to Dr up North with no luck and if someone did have something available we can't just hop in the car with 4 dogs and make 500 mile trip to go look at something so we decided to start driving around other areas near here and then try to find a caring Dr in another area. Would actually be cheaper to move somewhere closer plus a lot easier.
Sorry but that is all the news I have about moving
Took the dogs to the vet here over 100.00 and only one looked at was Maggie and she said Maggie is itching real bad because of reaction to Fleas saliva. We bought some tablets to keep fleas off dogs and Maggie was burning up with a fever...even her paws were kind of hot..Won't use that again and if we could just get out of here the flea issue would be gone.
My dogs ages 7 and 12 NEVER had a flea until we moved here and when we turned the heat on in October they came out of the register in droves. We have spent over 300.00 trying to get rid of them and from the research I have done I learned that fleas can stay dormant up to 6 months in cracks in the floors and many other places. Have also leaned that fleas can live off mice and since the dryer vent blows out under the house it is a good place for mice to live and then the fleas can live off the mice. No other way to get rid of the fleas except to move and can't do that until we find a place to live.
I have been putting money aside every month from home account into another account to have money to move plus have been finding items to sell that we don't really need and putting aside also.
Sorry for all the doom and gloom but that is all I have to write about now
Maybe if all my friends or everyone that reads this can say a prayer for us then I can write better news soon
Thank you to all of you for reading my long sad post. Hope some of you will be kind enough to leave a comment with well wishes for us
Whats for supper?
5 hours ago
Thank you first for commenting on my blog. I have not been doing as much with blogging as I should. I think it is smart to look a little closer to where you are now mainly because you can check the places out. I know you would like to be in Wisconsin but it is difficult with pets etc. and the drive. I will think positive thoughts for you.
Oh goodness. I so understand the dr. visits and such. Praying for you and your family. Sometimes it is not easy or convenient to receive the medical help we need.
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