Please keep my son "Ty" in your Prayers to help him with the loss of his wife Sunday morning at 1:25 at Loyola Hosp. She was in very bad shape and he had hopes they could pull her through. All her organs shut down and she passed away. She had an alcohol problem and he had her in rehab 6 times but nothing could keep her off the bottle. He says it was due to the loss of her Mother about 10 years ago as she was very close to her Mother.
She is now in a better place but I am concerned for him. He is taking it very hard. He is 250 miles away so I can not be with him at this time .... we talked about him coming down maybe in a few weeks. He had her cremated and is taking her ashes to Tenn to put her to rest with her Mother. She was 45 on Aug 8th...please let this be a warning to anyone that thinks drinking won't catch up with you. It is very painful for the loved ones you leave behind.
Oh Brother
14 hours ago
I am so sorry for your son's loss. I am sure he was a very loving husband and tried to do everything possible to help his dear wife with her addiction. Saying prayers, Julie.
Nancy hugs to you and your family. It is never easy, she was so young, but addiction is a ugly thing to get over, yes now hopefully she has found peace. hugs. OLM
Hi Nancy...prayers for your sons loss. I'm sorry that his wife never found the peace she so needed and found peace in drink. My mother died from the affects of alcohol too and it is a horrible death. She too never found the strength or peace to stop drinking.
Hope all is well with you and Billy and you have enjoyed the coming of fall and all the beautiful colors this year.
Happy Fall Blessings
Nancy ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your sons loss.
Prayers and thoughts going out to you and your family.
My prayers are with your son and family in this sad time.
I have added your blog link to my favorite blogs link on my two pinterest boards!
Smiles, cyndi
Nancy, where in the world have I been to have missed visiting you? I did not realize it until I pulled out your cookbook the other day and thought about it! So sorry to have not stopped by and my prayers go out to your son and to your family. So very sorry.
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