Lets see...Where do I start on this post so filled with information.
How many of you have a Goal and a Dream? As most of you know I have mine and it is my Cook Book of Famous Celebrities. So far I have sold 8 Cook Books and it was fun watching for the mail lady to see if she was bringing me another recipe.
I started out in the early 90's with a dream and motivation.There is no secret to success,just commitment and know-how. Success is based on hidden opportunities. Many of these opportunities lie right before our eyes and once we learn how to recognize them we can set our Goals. The people that help you realize your dreams are one of life's most valuable assets. I wrote over 700 letters to Celebrities and now have over 60 Celebrities and have over 85 awesome recipes photos and nice letters from Celebrities. I am very proud of all my hard work.
Then there is my Daughter "Nellie" who is now reaching some of her Goals that she has been working on for a few years. (Plus she did a lot of work on the cook book when she was just 12 years old)
She has been producing Comedy Shows in Chicago and I can't wait until the day I get to go to 1 of her shows. She has also now started a Podcast.
If you don't know what that is just click on the link on my side bar. It is very entertaining and she will also be advertising for others to help them reach their goals. You can hear the Pod cast right here on the internet.
Nellie also has a friend that has taken on a big task of producing a film and I am anxious to see it when it is released. Since we all need a little help from time to time Kelsie is asking for help. She had a goal to raise $8,750.00 in 30 days. So far she has raised $6,526.00 and she only has 11 days left (by April 4th) and if she is even $1.00 short her Goal and dream will be gone. You can click on the link on my right side bar for more info.
Since I will be donating and trying to help her reach her goal I have decided that I will also be offering 1 chance for a drawing for each $10.00 donated. (ex $20.00 will give you 2 chances). You don't have to donate $10.00 if you would like to help. All donations are accepted and appreciated. I am not going to tell you what the drawing is for..That is a secret....But I will tell you it will be something super nice
You never know but it just might be that 1 donation from you that made it possible for this struggling young woman to achieve her goal.
Just tell me in a comment if you have donated and let me know if it was for $10.00 or more so your name can go in the drawing.
I enjoy helping others when I can and that was the motivation behind my cook book. I would Love to be able to donate enough to help all the No Kill shelters be able to help keep more unwanted pets alive and healthy. All the buyers have chosen to wait until the end of March so any more recipes that come in the mail will be included. I am also still offering the first 32 buyers a free gift of something hand made by me. So if you feel like helping someone here is your chance. Thank you to all of you that have ordered a Cook Book or decide to help Kelsie. God bless you all
Congrats to you both for such wonderful work ! Thats awesome about the Celebs writing back and being a part of your cookbook thats great good for you ! Have a wonderful day !
Hey Nancy... How are things in your world..Other then staying busy with the cook book.
Sounds like Nellie is doing well..taht has to put a big smile on your face.
I would love to help everyone reach there goals but you know my situation right now..I Hope that your friend makes her goal and fills her dreams.
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