This give away is provided by Kraft and sponsored through My Blog Spark.
All I can tell you is it tastes delicious and you don't need as much to make a pot of coffee as you do the other brands. I do take cream and sugar in my coffee so I had my Husband taste it since he drinks his coffee Black and both of us had the same opinion.
If you would like a chance to win some of this wonderful coffee (Kaffe) here is what you need to do. Leave me a comment about why you would like to try this coffee or maybe you have already tried it and what you liked about it. You must be a follower on my blog to enter and new followers are welcome
For more chances to win you can post about it in your blog for 1 extra chance

Post it on your side bar for a second chance
Post about it on FB with a link back to my blog for a 3rd chance
And last but not least if someone tells me you sent them to my blog you will get 1 more chance.
Please let me know what all you have done in just 1 comment and I will add that many more chances for you.
That means you have 4 chances to win. I must have a way to get i touch with you should you be the winner. If the winner does not send me that information within 2 days another winner will be chosen.
Thank you for visiting my blog and this contest will end on Feb 26th so that gives you plenty of time to tell all your friends about it
This give away is only good in the U S due to shipping fees
wow, I am first...I love gevlia coffee, its delicious and smooth....great company and fast shipping...I already shared on FB too and will post it on my sidebar...hugs
What a wonderful generous lady you are. Your cookbook sounds wonderful and I am impressed that you are sharing the proceeds with animals in need. I thank you for that. I must admit to you, I have never drank a cup of coffee, I do enjoy the smell. Thank you for the kind comments in regards to my kitty Emma Lou. Blessings to you, Julie.
Oh Nancy, that coffee sounds SO yummy and how sweet of you to to it as a giveaway! My mouth is watering.
Good luck to everyone that signs up for Nancy's giveaway!
Have a warm and wonderful day!
Blessings and Hugs,
I've never tried it before so would love this chance, I a coffee lover and drink an average of 6 cups a day so using less would be an added bonus for me. I'm a GFC follwer:theresan.
Theresa N
I'm a follower.
I've heard good words about Gevalia so would like to try it myself.
Posted on FB.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Hi Nancy, I think this is wonderful giveaway. I like coffee of all kinds and always like to try something different. Blessings,Kathleen
P.S. Can't wait to see your cookbook..........aqueal!!!
Oh Yes, I love this coffee! I have tried it and it is delicious... I love love the french vanilla, you have to try it...I call it my special blend! I'm a happy follower too!
In a post on my blog...thanks!
I used to get this coffee in the mail...years ago and it was so delicious! I would love to try it again! My hubby and I are BIG coffee drinkers! We would love to have some Gevalia coffee to drink! YUM!!!♥
I haven't had Gevalia coffee in years...guess it's time I tried it again! Please enter me, and you know I'm a follower!
I have a small package in Daisy for extreme times but I have never tried it. I believe it is chocolate and I love my coffee black also, so I just have not tried it.
You don;t have to include me in the giveaway since I have some, But I wanted to say HI!
Smiles, Cyndi
I follow on google connect as "anash"
Thanks for this giveaway
anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'm a huge coffee drinker and I love Gevalia, so thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
I'm a GFC follower (skkorman)!
I posted this giveaway on Facebook:
Love coffee-- would like to try Gevalia again.
Posted on FB
karin56381 (at)
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