Since I just had a Birthday yesterday and had a great trip to Chicago I will be hosting a give away..The rules are
You must be a follower and leave a comment for 1 chance. Post my give away on your sidebar and blog about it for a second chance (leave a second comment letting me know you did that)....I am not sure yet what I will be giving away but it will be something special and if I get over 25 people entering I will be giving away a second give away. This give away will end when I have at least 100 followers and I am really close.....maybe it will end the end of June :)
This little Angel in the picture is from Cora from Hidden riches from secret places (I am sure a lot of you know her) She makes the neatest little Angels and she had some that she had primmed and I was lucky enough to get 4 of them from her. I displayed them on the tie backs on my curtains in my Pioneer / sewing room and I love the way they look
You must be a follower and leave a comment for 1 chance. Post my give away on your sidebar and blog about it for a second chance (leave a second comment letting me know you did that)....I am not sure yet what I will be giving away but it will be something special and if I get over 25 people entering I will be giving away a second give away. This give away will end when I have at least 100 followers and I am really close.....maybe it will end the end of June :)
This little Angel in the picture is from Cora from Hidden riches from secret places (I am sure a lot of you know her) She makes the neatest little Angels and she had some that she had primmed and I was lucky enough to get 4 of them from her. I displayed them on the tie backs on my curtains in my Pioneer / sewing room and I love the way they look

Before I went to visit Nellie in Chicago I decided to make her some wall hangings from some of my hand painted fabric. Nellie only decorates her apt with items that are hand made and she kind of likes folk art but I figured she would like these
And of course this one was her favorite and she hung it right away in her hall. I will be making her a few more as soon as it quits raining and the sun is shining so I can go work out in the garage

I bought this basket at a thrift store a few weeks ago and would like to know if it is called a Baby's Butt since it is curved like that on the bottom ...does anyone know?
I have been working in my Pioneer / Sewing room trying to get it organized (been working on it off and on since Oct 1st...I do like the panneling someone put in this room..it looks nice with my prim stuff. This is the 2 shelves that Billy put up for me and I am having trouble with what to put on them and may end up changing them again before I am finished :)

Then he put this shelf unit on the other wall and I am srill working on it also..I enjoy looking at all my favorite things when I go in there to sew. We did have a twin bed in there when we moved in but I sold it to make more room for my goodies
We also have some vintage stained glass windows that Billy put right in front of the real window. The porch was added on right on the other side of this window so there is no worry about ever opening it :)
and then of course I put this picture in again by mistake and blogger won't let me take it out...sorry about that
This wall is on the right side of the door going into the living room and I have another little shelf to put under the picture on the left...The little white cabinet has my dishes from when I was 8 years old and I can remembering using them...I even made my Dad a pizza with flour and water for the crust and I think I put catsup on it...I do remember him eating it and there are lots of good memories I have with my old child hood dishes
I have little doll cribs in there that are about 100 years old and belonged to my Aunt and I have some of my porcelain dolls in them that I made in the 90's and also some of Nellies old dolls

This is my sewing area and Billy is going to be putting some more shelves up in that area for me. The closet that is to the left goes all the way through to the guest room and he took the closet rods out and I have shelf units in there all the way through to store a lot of my fabric. This house is a lot smaller than where we lived before so I am sure it will be an on going thing trying to find a place for everything

This is an old window that we found in a pile out in the woods. It had 1 pane of glass left in it and we took it out
Then I painted it and Billy put it up at the back of my Rose garden I am working on
The roses are doing pretty good and he added this rail fence behind it. My plans are to hang something in each open space and then I am trying to decide how I can put something up behind it so you can't see right through and so it looks more like a window. I thought about hanging fabric on it to look like curtains but not exactly sure how I will do it. All suggestions are appreciated
As most of you know our little Annie has epilepsey seizures and one of the things that sets her off is when it is thundering and lightening. I can't stop the thunder but I did eliminate the lightening coming through the windows. All the windows now have blinds that can be closed and my only problem was the window in the door that goes outside. It is a metal door and the curtain bracket is held up with magnets.

I bought this basket at a thrift store a few weeks ago and would like to know if it is called a Baby's Butt since it is curved like that on the bottom ...does anyone know?

Then he put this shelf unit on the other wall and I am srill working on it also..I enjoy looking at all my favorite things when I go in there to sew. We did have a twin bed in there when we moved in but I sold it to make more room for my goodies

This is my sewing area and Billy is going to be putting some more shelves up in that area for me. The closet that is to the left goes all the way through to the guest room and he took the closet rods out and I have shelf units in there all the way through to store a lot of my fabric. This house is a lot smaller than where we lived before so I am sure it will be an on going thing trying to find a place for everything

This is an old window that we found in a pile out in the woods. It had 1 pane of glass left in it and we took it out

One night when I couldn't sleep I was sitting out there and looking at that door and trying to figure out how to make a curtain I could have tight against the window but be able to open during the day to let light in.
I thought about putting ties on the bottom so I could open it and tie it up but then decided that would be a pain.
Can you figure out by looking at it up how I got it to do that?

I put the little round magnets across the bottom between the front and the lining and stitched them in place...now when it is down the magnets cling tight to the door and when I fold it under they hold it in place at the top. I was very pleased with the way they turned out and I made Billy admit that I am a genius LOL.

I put the little round magnets across the bottom between the front and the lining and stitched them in place...now when it is down the magnets cling tight to the door and when I fold it under they hold it in place at the top. I was very pleased with the way they turned out and I made Billy admit that I am a genius LOL.
There is 10 windows out there counting the door...they all have what I call toppers since I don't want it to be dark out there when I have the blinds open. The fabric is a nature theme with Moose..Bear and other animals and trees. I love nature. I only have 2 more toppers to go and it will be done all except for painting it out there and then putting my nature theme boarder around the top..then I can work on the kitchen ..yeah
And last but not least..I am having problems leaving a comment in a lot of my favorite bloggers blogs. When it makes me sign into google with my gmail address then it kicks me off of my gmail and in order to get back on I have to log back in with my air card (that is what I have for internet now since we have to many trees to get anything else) and then I have to sign back in to IE and it is a big hassell and takes 15 or 20 minutes to get back to my blog. So if some of you wonder why you don't see comments from me that is why and I hate not being able to leave comments :(
And last but not least..I am having problems leaving a comment in a lot of my favorite bloggers blogs. When it makes me sign into google with my gmail address then it kicks me off of my gmail and in order to get back on I have to log back in with my air card (that is what I have for internet now since we have to many trees to get anything else) and then I have to sign back in to IE and it is a big hassell and takes 15 or 20 minutes to get back to my blog. So if some of you wonder why you don't see comments from me that is why and I hate not being able to leave comments :(
You are a busy gal and the rose garden is going to be perfect.....What a wonderful use of that old window...... I got some of those angels from Cora but mine were not prims..... I love the prim ones...... I might have to go back over there and buy some of those!
Have a blessed day..
Yes, dear Nancy---that is a baby butt basket. You lucky girl. Those are hard to find.
Cora's angels are beautiful.
Everything looks so awesome. How sweet of you to make some prints for Nellie! For the window frame, I would staple or thumb tack some fabric pieces on the empty panes but I probably wouldn't do them all. And you may want to use nylon or polyester so it doesn't fade so fast. Since you print on fabric, maybe you would want to do pics of your dogs or grands!
Please enter me into your giveaway. I love a mystery!
I will post on my sidebar!
Hi Nancy...Good to see you..been awhile.. Looks like you are finally feeling like you can get settled in since you have all of your thins. the Sewing room is shaping up nicely..Love all your goodies/memories!!
Love the window pane in the rose garden way cool!!
Does your fur baby like music? Maybe when it thunders you could turn up the music to help drown out the thunder.. I had a puppy that helped a lot..
Have fun decorating and creating!!
everything looks nice, Nancy..your prim room is coming along great...glad you're settled in now..and I know the rose garden will be beautiful as it matures......please enter me in your giveaway and I will post about it too
Everything looks wonderful I'm a GFC follower: theresan.
Theresa N
Nancy, I like Cora's Angel on the window. The fabric you made for Nellie is nice and I know she will love it. Your decorating has evolved nicely and the curtains are really nice. Also, your yard is awesome. I don't know where you find the time to do all you do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Belatedly). Your follower option isn't working right now, and neither is mine so I'm sure it's a blogspot glitch. If I'm not a follower already I surely want to be. I love your Pioneer Sewing room. I'd like to sign up for your giveaway and I'm going right now to post your giveasay on the sidebar of my blog. I'll check back to follow when the thing is working again.
Hi, I almost missed this one, I am a a follower and would love to be entered in your give-away. Thank you!
Hi! I am glad that I stopped by here!
I enjoyed my visit here so much that I became a follower! I am also "Nana". I am seeing more and more Nanas popping up here and there. Thank you for sharing a part of your world!
Nancy In not a follower yet but I will be as soon as blogger puts it back u8p for you. Please add me to your giveaway Im coming over from Eagles Nest:) Blessings
Hi Nancy,
I just became your 98th follower! I was blog surfing and found your blog. Sure looks like you've been busy. Love the window in your garden~ even just a simple large grapevine wreath hanging in the center of it, would make the window stand out. just a suggestion. What a great idea putting magnets in your curtains to hold them down or up!That's one of the reasons I love to blog is to see others creativity.
I would love to be entered in you surprise giveaway.
Stop by my blog some time I'd love to have a new prim friend.
Love the window in the rose garden. Too cool. I was gonna say magnets for the curtain on the metal door to keep it tight, but then you genius figured it all out for yourself!
TFS your sewing room pictures. I love seeing where everyone creates and gets inspired. I would love to be entered into your giveaway...always love surprises!
Have a great weekend.
I love your home tour and seeing your garden take shape, I was just here and then to Dani's and back visiting again.
Your crafting pioneer room is just awesome. I have no idea where any of my old toys are, maybe my Mother's old house attic ( my brother lives there now) or she may have sold at a garage sale one of those old days ago.
I am a little late to enter your drawing but all you do is beautiful. I bet Nellie loved that fabric painting, I do too!
I have been outside cutting fabric today to share my excess and to try and take less bins with me. Somehow, that is not happening too well. I bet you know what I mean.
Smiles, Cyndi
Hi Nancy, I am now a follower. Please enter me in your giveaway. I enjoyed reading your post and wanted to thank you for visiting my blog!
Hello , found you through Linda Parker I am now a follower , nice blog I look forward to getting to know you! Enjoy your day!hugs lil raggedy angie
Hi Nancy,
Everything is so beautiful. I love your sewing room, and the window idea is so clever! I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Hope your week is awesome.
Your room is so pretty! Love the nice touches you've made! I know it's a lot of work but you will enjoy it when you have it the way you want it! ♥
I checked to make sure I am a follower and I AM...and noticed you have 100 now! Congrats, my friend! ♥
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