Sorry I havn't been in many things going wrong. Garden is pretty is all getting dehydrated from the heat. Billy bought a riding mower and we knew it needed a battery but it is leaking gas so now he has to fix that also before he can ride to mow. It is a BIG yard (over an acre) and hard on him to do with push mower ...even if it is self propelled.
Trying to set up my garage sale for this Fri and Sat but has been soooo hot I can't even get out there to mark the stuff. This weather is making me feel like I am still in AL but no snakes or rats and this heat will not last as long up here.
They are having a function in a town 5 miles from here next month and they do have crafters but I do not enjoy the thought of sitting outside in the middle of August so I will set one up in my garage and I will go to the Pioneer Days function on the first day and then have a sale in my garage on the other 2 days. A lot of the people that will go to the sale will be driving past my house and rather than hauling all my things and tables up there I will just take my chances here. At least when no one is here I can come back in the house if I want to.
I made some framed items and a pillow with pic of there dog for a customer and they loved it and said they will be ordering more so that was something good this week.
I will post pictures in my next post in a few days to show all of you.
My main goal now is to sell enough stuff (GS and orders and ebay and blog) to be able to buy a fence for my fur babies.
I will be back in a few days with better news and some pictures so come back soon :)
Flocks of Birds...
26 minutes ago
Nancy, hang in there , hopefully this slump is a temporary thing! Best of luck on selling your wares, and I hope you get a break from the heat soon! hugs and prayers lil raggedy angie
Sorry you are having so many troubles!
The weather is cooler here today- hopefully it will come your way too!
Should be some relief from the heat for a couple days. Hoping you do well so those kids can get out and run! Good Luck!
Love-love-love my potato sack! and other goodies, as well. Very generous giveaway! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Nancy, these hot, summer days can be so discouraging, especially when you feel your energy sapped and things are so dry out there. We were like a desert for a while. And the hose just didn't cut it. Plus, just standing out there in the heat watering everything was unbearable. It finally broke here, and we had a week of rain. I know about the lawn mower problems, too. I have to resolve that one here. I don't know if I can push one, as I have such a big yard, too. Hope you have great sales!!!
Hopefully you will make some sales at your garage sale and more on ebay. Before you know it, it will be Fall with better weather. Ours is unusually cool outside so made painting project go easier.
Too hot here also, garden gone.. most of my flowers are gone and maybe losing a couple of small trees planted two years ago.... Seems that the weather is crazy everywhere..
We did some rain tonight.. it was wonderful but the temp will go back up tomorrow......
have a great day tomorrow despite all the trouble........
I've been in a slump also..too many problems lately..and working so hard, the heat, takes all my glad our God doesn't get tired or sleepy..and is always close by....hope your garage sale will be good, we are having one too...I'll be thinking about you..hugs always
Today is a whole new day. Hopefully, yard sale proceeds will fund repair for your riding lawn mower. It's dry here in Texas with no relief in site. Our well helps keep a few things alive, but nothing is like having rain falling from the sky.
Have a good day and think positive.
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