Thursday, July 9, 2009

Daytime snake

This is the snake that I posted about in my last post and said that I couldn't get a picture to upload but I was finally able to get it uploaded and here he (or she) is..isn't it creepy?
Don't forget to read the post below this one so you can see what all I have learned in the past month :)


Anonymous said...

That is NOT a friendly snake. It would either hurt me or make me hurt myself...Gayle

Anonymous said...

You are correct. That is NOT a friendly snake. It is a Texas Rat Snake and while they are non-venomous they are the most aggressive and mean snake in the wild. I was sitting in my garage last month at about midnight and looked up to see one climbing across my shelf going for a gecko up high on the wall. He was about 5 and a half feet long. I live in a suburban housing subdivision so wasn't sure how he came to pick us as housemates but he now lives wherever snakes go for eternity as he is DEAD! LOL! Crystal