Thursday, January 8, 2009

Can't post pictures

I don't know why but I am not able to put any pictures in my blog now for almost a week....anyone else having that problem???
Just to update you on my happenings I want everyone to know I am not ignoring my blog..I have been keeping busy with sewing projects and have even bought some Christmas gifts for Christmas 2009...found some great sales. Would have done more but it has been VERY cold and we keep getting lots of they are saying for tomorrow we should get anywhere from 4 to 12"....some prediction huh?
Guess I will just have to stay busy with all my projects and some redecorating until April or May. I will keep trying to post some pictures and more about what is going on as soon as I can
Thanks for sticking around :)


Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Hi dearie, let's get to the bottom of this picture-posting problem! Are ye trying to upload them directly from your computer to Blogger using that link icon in the composing pane? If it's not uploading for ye, ye might want to try to see if it will upload from somewhere else on the net -- do a test post where you upload a picture from another blog (you are welcome to use one of mine) by copying and pasting the URL of the picture-- if that works, then get yourself a Photobucket account (they're free) and see if you can upload from there -- I can help ye if it's a bit confusing...ALSO some code may have gotten scrambled in yer computer's brain, sorry for the language dearie but do you have Crap Cleaner? It's a wonderful program and running it will often fix strange problems for me -- it's a free program, too...

Anonymous said...

I haven't had any problems, Nancy and posted some tonight....maybe Olde Dame has it right...

nancy huggins said...

I figured it out and will try a new post tomorrow,,,,thought maybe I would just show a lot of pictures of some of the things I have made in the past.
It was something that I figured out that I didn't know about...I still have problems with getting stuff in the right order..I think what you post at the bottom shows up at the top when you post it..or maybe it is the other way around..I usually mess it up that way...Thanks for the help and I will check out the crap cleaner :)

goooooood girl said...

your blog is feel good......

Debra said...

Did you get it to work yet?

papel1 said...

We are waiting for the pictures. I don't know how you manage to be such a busy active person. Thanks for visiting my blog now and then.